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 Pope Gregory XVII (1906-1989 A.D.)


"Peace is tranquility in order, an order reposing in God as the Author of all things.
Man cannot arbitrarily create that order, which by its very nature transcends all
men and all times. The same dilemma is always found at the base of all problems
of mankind: respect or scorn for the laws fixed by the divine order. ... Peace in
society and between different nations demands a clear recognition and observance
of certain principles. To question these principles is already to make war."

(Extracted from a Speech by Pope Gregory XVII "Siri", to the International 

Union of Catholic Employers Association - Lucerne, Switzerland, 1959 A.D.)



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'The Supreme Crisis(1958 Papal Conclave Usurpation/Installation of First of the V2 Sect Antipopes)

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Declassified Document: US Involved in 1958 Conclave Coup

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More on Gregory XVII's Trusted Cardinal Carlo Taramasso

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"We are very guilty! In consequence of this, it is necessary that a

very great and terrible scourge should come to revive our faith, and
to restore to us our very reason, which we have almost entirely lost."


(Words of Melanie Calvat, Seer at La Salette, France - from this 1879 Text with Imprimatur:

"Apparition of the Blessed Virgin on the Mountain of La Salette the 19th of September, 1846")

Jan. 4, 2022