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True Catholic News
"Loving Virgin Mary, I remind thee of the night
after that thrice-blessed day which we call Good-
Friday, and which thou must have spent in deep
anguish of heart separated from thy dear Son.
Through the bitter sighs and tears that thou didst
then pour forth, I beg thee to help me to spend this
night in honor of thy sorrowful night, and let me not
forget the Passion of thy Son. Unite my every
respiration to thine own sighs of sorrow, every
pulsation of my heart to the grief and distress of
thine own, and offer them all to thy Crucified Son
in honor of His Passion and in thanksgiving for
all that He has obtained for us by it. Amen."
*(Source: "St. Thomas Manual: or, Devotion of the Six Sundays in Honor of the Angel of
the Schools, St. Thomas of Aquin", by H. J. Pflugbeil, pp. 107-110, 1887 A.D., Imprimatur)
Apr. 15, 2022