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"Grisly *video footage emerged Wednesday (April 6, 2022) showing Ukrainian forces shooting and killing a wounded Russian soldier on a road west of Kyiv. The footage, verified by the New York Times, shows a man to the right of the camera raise his rifle and fires two shots into the gasping man’s torso.
The wounded Russian gasps again, and is shot a third time in the back before he stops moving.
The camera then pans to the bodies of two other Russian soldiers dead in the road (with blood streaming from them). One, with an obvious head wound, has his hands tied behind his back. The other appears to be wearing the blue striped shirt of Russia’s elite airborne troops."
(Source: Extracted from The New York Post, 04/06/2022)
*A Note on Video (Above): The views and opinions expressed on the linked Telegram account, which originally posted the video, are those of the authors, and are not to be understood as an endorsement of them by TCW.
Apr. 6, 2022