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L to R: (1.) An anonymous Catholic monk. (2.) White smoke seen billowing forth from the chimney of the
Sistine Chapel on October 26, 1958 at 6 p.m., indicating that a Pope [Cardinal Giuseppe Siri of Genoa, Italy]
had been elected inside the conclave. Note: Siri accepted the office and chose the name Gregory XVII. Then,
a freemasonic coup d'état occurred within the conclave itself - violently "blocking" the newly elected pope.
(3.) Biblioteca Angelica where the Catholic prophecy by the 18th C. monk Rudolfo Gilthier was unearthed.
The following is a noted 18th Century End Times Catholic prophecy by the monk Rudolfo Gilthier. It sheds light onto the plight/status of the True Papacy, now underground, and (formally Catholic) Europe. The French text of this remarkable prophecy was found in the Biblioteca Angelica [Angelica Library] in Rome. This renowned library was established in 1604 by the Augustinian bishop Angelo Rocca; it was first opened to the public in 1609, and holds around 120,000 manuscripts, many of which are extremely rare.
End Times Prophecy of the Monk Rudolfo Gilthier (1765 A.D)
"From the Middle of the Twentieth Century on, there will be uprisings in all parts of Europe. The Republics will be upheaved. Kings, the Great, and Priests will be killed and Padres and Nuns will leave their Cloister. Hunger, Epidemics and Earthquakes will destroy numerous cities.
"(1.) Rome will lose its *Sceptre through following (2.) False Prophets. The Pope will be taken (3.) Prisoner by his attendants. The Church will be held hostage, and after a short time there will be no more Pope.
"A (4.) Prince from the East with a great Army will move throughout Europe. The Republicans will be annihilated through the Rebellions. His Cross will be for God, he will fight for the Christian teachings and the orthodox belief, and he will subjugate the Kingdom of Mohammed. He will be a new Knight of the Faith, and Peace will be regained in the World."
(1.) Rome will lose its Sceptre. Papal Throne... the Pope's physical residency [presence] in Rome. This occurred on October 26, 1958, at the papal conclave, via the plotted usurpation of the Chair of Peter, by a Freemason, Antipope John XXIII, who then criminally occupied Church property [The Vatican].
(2.) False Prophets. These are heretics/infiltrators. Note: history has tragically shown that Pope Pius XII did not sufficiently crack the necessary "Inquisitional Whip" in investigating and punishing the enemies of the Church, that were present "within" Her, during his reign. There are other Catholic prophecies that attest to this reality, of his imprudent governance. These prophesied 'False Prophets" that would lead Rome astray, likely could be the infiltrators Angelo Roncalli [Antipope John XXIII] and Giovanni Battista Montini [Antipope Paul VI]. Pius XII made Roncalli a Cardinal in 1953 and entrusted Montini with numerous high-level matters of importance.
"The person thus elected [pope] acquires full jurisdiction over the universal Church immediately on
consenting, and becomes the Vicar of Christ on earth." ("Canonical Elections" p. 107, 1917, Imprimatur)
(3.) Pope ... taken Prisoner. This is the "Hostage Pope", Gregory XVII (formerly known as Cardinal Siri) who was lawfully elected Christ's Vicar at the Oct. 26, 1958 Conclave and immediately criminally overthrown, from within the Conclave itself, by Freemasonic infiltrator "Cardinals". And tortured & guarded 24/7 for decades, by his Judas "attendants". (One of the worst of the suffering Holy Father's cruel captors, was a reprobate "clergyman' named Msgr. Grone. -ED)
(4.) A Prince. The forthcoming Great Catholic Monarch will rout the Republicans (i.e., Anti-Monarchist's who usurped Catholic thrones). He will crush the Muslims and all enemies of the Church - and be absolutely instrumental in the upcomming Glorious Restoration of the Catholic Church. Read more here.
"The Pope will be taken Prisoner by his attendants. The Church will be held hostage... ."
(End Times Prophecy of the Monk Rudolfo Gilthier, 1765 A.D.)
Q & A from "Cardinal Siri" 30 Days Magazine, January 17, 1985
Pope Gregory XVII 'Siri'
Q. What have been the difficult times in your life?
A. 'Siri": "I do not believe some things should be discussed publicly.
I have lived a very long life, and I have known men... and traitors.
But I have never revealed the names of the traitors. I do not perform
the work of the executioner. I know, however, how much it costs to
speak the truth. They have not succeeded in making me ill, but they
have succeeded in making me sad and depressed. But Jeremiah had
enough lamentations; there's no need for me to add to them."
Note: Pope Gregory XVII 'Siri" asked the interviewer Stefano M. Paci to switch off
his tape recorder from time to time because of the delicate and sensitive nature of
the subject matter. The three hour interview took place on January 17, 1985, but was
censored and then published [merely a small segment of it] by the Novus Ordo Sect
"30 Days Magazine" only after His death (more than four years later) on May 2, 1989.
Related Links:
Abp. Pintonello Confirmed "Siri" Was (True) Pope In 1996 Video
'The Supreme Crisis" (1958 Papal Conclave Usurpation/Installation
of First of the V2 Sect Antipopes)
More on Gregory XVII's Trusted Cardinal Carlo Taramasso
"Marie-Julie Jahenny Prophecies on the Hostage Pope 'Siri'"
TCW Statement on Current Situation/Crisis of The Church
Pope & Cardinals Exiled to Place Where They will be Unknown
Tough to Find True Sacraments? Don't be Anxious
Mont Saint-Michel (France) To Be Meeting Place After "The 3 Days"
Uncompromising Catholic Militancy!
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Canons of the Sacraments of Orders (DZ 966, Can. 6): “If anyone says that in the
Catholic Church a hierarchy has not been instituted by divine ordinance, which
consists of the bishops, priests, and ministers: let him be anathema [cf. n. DZ 960].”
“It follows then that the Church of Christ not only exists to-day and always, but is
also exactly the same as it was in the time of the Apostles, unless we were to say,
which God forbid, either that Christ our Lord could not effect His purpose, or that
He erred when He asserted that the gates of hell should never prevail against it.”
-Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Mortalium Animos (English: The minds of mortals) 1928
Read: "The Infiltration, Usurpation, Desolation then Triumph!"
Ecclesiastical Approbation
In Today's Catholic World ( carries the approbation in writing of the Holy See in exile. It faithfully adheres to the rules for Catholic Journals mandated by Leo XIII in the Apostolic Constitution Officiorum ac Munerum, January 25, 1897 - so heavily re-stressed by Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis, September 8, 1907.
Mar. 28, 2022