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"I have always noticed that in general ... theological errors derive from marxist pollution ... ."
-Pope Gregory XVII (Pensiero del Cardinale Giuseppe Siri tratto dalla rivista "Renovatio", VI, 1970) Note: in
this piece from 1970, the hostage pope, Gregory XVII ("Siri"), carefully... reflects on the situation of the Papacy
being usurped by Jewish Commie/Masonry. And provides words of hope to members of the "Church in Eclipse".
Read more of the suffering Holy Father's words/warnings from Renovatio, VI by clicking HERE.
Sep. 26, 2019
EDITOR OF TCW 16.10.2019 13:22
" the moment when there is reason to believe that equivocations and mistaken interpretations are obscuring the truth, it is my duty [to] call your attention to what follows: (cont.)
EDITOR OF TCW 16.10.2019 13:39
...the attitude of the Church in judging the Communists and those who support them or are associated with them, has NOT changed in any way... ." (Pope Gregory XVII, Letter to Italian Bishops, Feb 18th, 1961)
EDITOR OF TCW 08.10.2019 14:02
"The Communists were so sure of winning the Italian election in 1948 that they already had a firing squad appointed to execute the Holy Father." (Interview of Fr. Lombardy, cited in, "Fatima Or World Suicide", 1950 Imprimatur)