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True Catholic News
"The language of a good shepherd is the opposite of that which some theologians of the moment say it is. I do not believe in their schismatic proposals. Those who use their ecclesiastical functions to subvert the Church count for something, in reality, only before the eyes of the world, because the Church, which they are intent upon destroying in the name of « Church of the Future Humanity », still exists. Then, there are so many signs, above all in Europe, that indicate that the demolishers of the Church, have had their day.”
-His Holiness, Pope Gregory XVII
(Extracted from "Cardinal" Siri's [Gregory XVII] book on reflections entitled, Renovatio, Vol. VI, 1970)
Related Links:
When the Usurpers of the Vatican Discovered that the True
Pope had Spoke Out
Fr. Charles-Roux: Siri was Elected Pope & NEVER Abdicated
The Roman Catholic Church (Papacy) Cannot Be Destroyed
"The darknesses cannot win over the light." -Gregory XVII
"There is no problem, I tell you, no
matter how difficult it is, that we can not resolve by the prayer
of the Holy Rosary. With the Holy Rosary, we will save ourselves. We will sanctify ourselves.
We will console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many
souls." -Sr. Lucy (of Fatima) 12/26/57
Chiesa viva Article on Popes Gregory XVII/Gregory XVIII
20,000 Priests Behind Iron Curtain Killed/Exiled by Reds
Security for the True Holy Father - Essential (Note: also see here.)
Clip of Gregory XVII Got Past Jewish/N.O. Media Censors (Video)
Coming to the Rescue of The Pope in Exile (Our *Duty!)
*Venerable Elizabeth Canori Mora on the Neglect of the "Faithful"
"The Church appeared to her [Ven. Elizabeth] standing before the throne of God, supplicating Him to spare her children ... . But the Most High refused to listen, and said to her: "Take the part of My Justice, and judge your own cause." At these words the Church took off all her ornaments, aided by three Angels, executioners of Divine Justice; reduced to this sad state, she became so weak that she could not support herself. Then Our Lord gave her a staff to support herself upon, and a veil to cover her head.
In her desolation she bitterly sobbed,
and deplored the solitude in which her children had
left her."
(End Times Vision of Papal Prophetess, Ven. Elizabeth Canori Mora (d. 1825) extracted
from the book: "Life of the Venerable Elizabeth Canori Mora", pages 102-103, 1878 A.D.)
Blessed be St. Peter. Prince of the Apostles!
The Papal Restoration Staff
Ecclesiastical Approbation
In Today's Catholic World ( carries the approbation in writing of the Holy See in exile. It faithfully adheres to the rules for Catholic Journals mandated by Leo XIII in the Apostolic Constitution Officiorum ac Munerum, January 25, 1897 - so heavily re-stressed by Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis, September 8, 1907.
May. 1, 2019
thomas 18.06.2020 05:36
hi, i'm thomas. I have read this article and I am indeed seeking information about anyone, bishops and archbishops, who disagreed with the vote conducted at the second Vatican Council for all documents issued. can you tell me about that? thanks.
Editor of TCW 21.06.2020 06:14
The True Pope "Siri" was under grave duress at the false (V2) council. The "Summa Theologica", VI. Fifth Article explains why that type of duress causes involuntariness in certain (exterior) actions. Abp. Pintonello never signed any V2 docs as well.