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Tomb of Mgr. Félix Fournier (1803-1877 A.D.) Bishop of Nantes - Basilique Saint-Nicolas, Nantes
"The reports that I receive daily on Marie-Julie show me more and more the action of God on this soul. He grants her graces of an obvious supernatural order. At the same time she grows in virtue and noble sentiments. The natural and human disappear in her, and she often speaks to people she sees or who are referred to her giving instructions which are not in keeping with her normal state. Therefore be confident, dear Doctor, the time will come when Marie-Julie herself will be the proof.,. She is sincere: what she manifests is supernatural. I see nothing but good, edifying and in conformity with the principles of spirituality. Therefore it is God who favours her; you may be sure it will turn out well."
-Monseigneur Fournier, Bishop of Nantes
(Source: Bishop Fournier's June 6, 1875 letter to Doctor Imbert-Gourbeyre, Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at Clermont-Ferrand, as documented in "Dr. Imbert-Gouibeyie: -La atigmatisation- II pp. 18 et 19".)
"Hell will launch.. an ultimate struggle against My representative [the True/exiled Pope].
(Our Blessed Lord to Marie-Julie Jahenny, Sept 29, 1878)
Related Link:
1941 Imprimatur Book with Marie-Julie Jahenny's (Detailed) Three Days of Darkness Prophecy
Armchair Quarterback PAGAN "traditionalistist" Movement
"He who is for the See of Peter [the True Pope in exile now, Gregory XVIII] is for me." -St. Jerome
(As quoted in Pope Gregory XVI''s Encyclical Mirari Vos.)
Feb. 26, 2019