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"This simple consecration would suffice:
Heart of Mary, I consecrate myself to thee.'"
("Are You Heeding Fatima?", p. 23, Imp. 1947)
Mary’s Peace Terms
Let us now develop more specifically the four-
point program of Mary’s ultimatum, her peace
terms to mankind. If we fulfill the demands
these terms, then the promise will be
There will be the conversion of Russia and longed-
for peace. We have this on the infallible word
of Mary herself.
Who can doubt that word?
Her peace terms are as follows.
1. Penance.
2. The recitation of the rosary.
*3. Devotion and consecration of Russia to her
Immaculate Heart.
4. Communion and reparation to her on five
consecutive first Saturdays.
Lucy said that the danger of World War
III will disappear as soon as a sufficient number
of people are
fulfilling the demands of Our Lady
of Fatima. How natural then to conclude that no
other apostolate
is more necessary than a crusade
whose one objective is to get people to fulfill
Fatima. [...]
*How to practice and spread this devotion?
(To The Immaculate Heart of Mary)
1. Consecrate yourself by any formula to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary. Such consecration
simply means your desire to honor her, to belong
to her, to obey her. This simple consecration
would suffice: "Immaculate Heart of Mary, I con-
secrate myself to thee."
2. In your homes have a picture or a painting
portraying the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Honor
it by aspirations throughout the day. Meditate
piously upon it. Recite your prayers before it.
On feast days of Our Lady burn a vigil light before
it. Adorn it with flowers.
3. Honor the Immaculate Heart on the first
Saturday of each month. Receive *Holy Com-
munion on that day in reparation for the indigni-
ties heaped upon Mary’s Immaculate Heart. Recite
and meditate upon the rosary.
*Note from TCW: If True Catholics ("the Church in eclipse")
want the opportunity to be able to fufill the Five
First Saturdays
devotion, they need to provide for their priests - which
actually is their duty. See here.
4. Invoke the Immaculate Heart of Mary daily.
5. Spend yourself in spreading
this devotion,
for upon it and Mary’s other requests depend the
peace and salvation of the world.
When will this be accomplished? Mary answers
us through Sister
Lucy: “When a sufficient num-
ber of people are fulfilling Our Lady’s requests.”
of them is the establishment of devotion to
the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
To impress upon our hearts the necessity of this
devotion, read the words of little Jacinta (shortly
her death) to Lucy: “You must remain here
below to make the world know that Our Lord
wishes devotion
to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
established in the world. Tell everybody that God
gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of
Mary. Tell them to ask graces from her and that
the Sacred Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated
together with the Immaculate Heart of His Mother.
Ask them to plead for peace from the Immaculate
Heart of Mary, for the Lord has confided the
peace of the world to her.” ...
(Source: Are You Heeding Fatima?
By Rev. Lester M. Dooley, S.V.D.,
Pages 17, 22-23, Imprimatur, 1947)
Related Links:
"I want you to say the rosary every day." -Our Lady of Fatima
Insight: Fatima Reveals the Spiritual Basis For the Crisis of Our Times
Feb. 2, 2017
Kristy 22.08.2022 18:27
Wow ..Thank you ..Stated very clearly..
"This simple consecration would suffice:
'Immaculate Heart of Mary, I consecrate myself to thee.'"
("Are You Heeding Fatima?", p. 23, Imp. 1947)
Filipino 19.09.2019 08:53
I am not aware of other people, lay or cleric, in my country who are with the True Hierarchy. However, I want to fulfill the Five First Saturdays devotion. Would a Spiritual Communion suffice for Holy Communion in this case?
Papal Restoration Staff Member 19.09.2019 09:00
Hi. No, a Spiritual Communion would not suffice for receiving Holy Communion as part of the Five First Saturdays Devotion, Yet, it is a splendid idea to partake in, as you do as much of the requirements as possible.
Most Unworthy One 26.11.2017 13:31
This commentary says "If True Catholics want the opportunity to be able to fufill the Five First Saturdays devotion, they need to provide for their priests - which actually is their duty." I do give monthly, please provide mass locations. Thanks!
Papal Restoration Staff Member 23.08.2017 03:02
Happy Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to all True Catholics!