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True Catholic News
Stations of the Cross in city named after one of the Seven Holy Founders of Brittany - Saint Pol of Leon
St. Corantin's symbol is a fish. When he was a hermit, a fish appeared near his hermitage. He could cut a piece from the fish every day, and yet the fish remained whole. We can pray to this saint to help us obtain food during the coming famine after the 3 Days of Darkness.
St. Patern was the first bishop of Vannes. A hundred years after his death, an extended drought was killing the parishioners of Vannes. They sought recourse to their saintly bishop, Patern, and copious rain fell, saving them from the disaster. He is invoked for rain during severe droughts.
Oct. 29, 2016
Bernadette 30.10.2016 12:31
What a beautifully inspiring and hopeful image and blog.