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"One reason that the role (of the papacy) has attracted so many thriller writers is that it is attended by many persistent conspiracy theories. The so-called “Siri thesis” alleges that Cardinal Giuseppe Siri of Genoa was elected pope in 1958, but that, as a conservative, his accession was blocked by liberals who replaced him with John XXIII.
Hardcore conspiracists ... have refused to recognise any of the last six popes, whom they regard as invalid."
Source: The Guardian, September 16th, 2016, "Why are there so many papal plots in fiction?" by Mark Lawson
(Note from TCW: The mainstream/corporate media more than ever, throws out the phrase "conspiracy theory", if something gets "too close to home" to their deceptive false narratives, that they have spun for decades (in order to further their jew/masonic agenda). Let us never forget the words of warning of Pope Gregory XVI, from his infallible encyclical "Mirari Vos" (August 15th, 1832), " must labor and diligently take care that the faith may be preserved amidst this GREAT CONSPIRACY of impious men who attempt to tear it down and destroy it.")
Oct. 27, 2016