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True Catholic News
Mont Saint-Michel To Be Meeting Place After "The 3 Days of Darkness" For True Catholics: The famous and easily recognizable island abbey of Mont Saint-Michel, is just across the border of Brittany, in Normandy. It is stated, in the prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny, that Mont Saint-Michel will survive the 3 Days of Darkness Chastisement, and serve as a fortress for True Catholics. (Those under obedience to the Apostolic Succession of Gregory XVII.)
Oct. 27, 2016
MARY NEWMAN 23.06.2020 02:42
I have finally understood the take over of the Catholic churches and with understanding from my grandparents, wish to know how to join the true Catholics. Can you help?
PRC Staff Member 23.06.2020 14:52
Hi Mary, first and foremost is to abjure any error(s) from your past - and don't take part/support in any way, false worship - such as the Novus Ordo sect or pseudo traditionalists sect. Make a Perfect Act of Contrition. A PRC rep will email you.
Lucy S 28.04.2019 13:46
I pray that someday my family will be able to go Mont Saint Michael
and join all true Catholics.
Maria E Spiers 28.04.2019 05:47
Ave Maria.
Is it possible to receive more information on meeting at Mont Saint Michael and arrangements on how to find a place to live in Brittany, Normandy?
Papal Restoration Staff Member 29.04.2019 05:05
Hi. A member of the PRC Staff is working on buying property in Brittany. In fact they are planing to travel there again this year, for that matter. The PRC will contact you - about the current situation there shortly.