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True Catholic News
"When reason dawns, our actions ... become accountable; hence, they must tend to our last end, and according to the same be regulated. Every thought, every word, every action in harmonious accord with God, is good, leads to God, and merits a reward; whilst the contrary is repelled by His infinite sanctity, and loads the responsible agent with guilt. Either one or the other is the consequence of every act of the free-will. This undeniable truth stamps the value upon all our actions, influences our whole life, and consequently determines our fate for eternity."
(Extracted from: "St. Thomas Manual: Or, Devotion of the Six Sundays in Honor of
the Angel of the Schools, St. Thomas of Aquin", By Fr. Henry Joseph Pflugbeil, O. Pr., p. 11, 1887 A.D., Imprimatur)
Oct. 25, 2016