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"Woman can never be man's equal and cannot therefore enjoy equal rights. Few women would ever desire to legislate, and those who did would only be classed as eccentrics." –Pope St. Pius X (New York Times - 04-21-1909)
Oct. 21, 2016
Mary 09.04.2021 15:54
I was banned on the internet for using this quote from Pope St.Pius X,and that tells you everything.
Mary 10.04.2021 16:04
THE TCW STAFF 10.04.2021 14:18
Hi Mary, Which specific forum/social media site banned you? This has happened to TCW too, thus we penned the following on "Info Suppression", see:
The TCW Staff 08.04.2021 19:31
Quote from Feminist/Socialist Kamala Harris: "We’re on the right track, but we have more work to do. There are still 1.8 million fewer women in the workforce than before pandemic, and over 5 million women who can’t work due to childcare issues." 4/5/2021
EDITOR OF TCW 15.01.2020 22:30
"Few women would ever desire to legislate, and those who did would only be classed as eccentrics." –Pope St. Pius X (New York Times - 04-21-1909)