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"...all who shall invoke Thee in memory of my sufferings and death...
at the end of their life, may receive the last sacraments ... ."
St. Barbara is considered the patroness of a happy death,
because she has obtained for many of her clients the grace
to receive the last sacraments, when in danger of dying
without them. This favor the Virgin Martyr asked as her
pagan father was about to deal her death-blow.
Jesus," she prayed, who art infinitely good and the sure
foundation of hope and salvation
for those who believe in
Thee, grant, I beg Thee, that all who shall invoke Thee in
memory of my sufferings and death, may feel the effects of
Thy mercy and above
all, at the end of their life, may
receive the last sacraments with a truly
humble and contrite
heart and be delivered from the snares of the devil."
(Source: The Apostleship of Prayer 1895 A.D.,
Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs, Auriesville, N.Y.)
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St. Paul: "And how shall they preach unless they be sent?" (Romans x, 15)
Oct. 18, 2016
Papal Restoration Staff Member 19.11.2019 10:53
St. Barbara: "...all who shall invoke Thee in memory of my sufferings and death... at the end of their life, may receive the last sacraments ... ."