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Seems like "a must" for True Catholics, for post 3 Days of Darkness life... GoSun Solar Ovens absorb heat from the sun to reach temperatures of 550°F. The core to the technology of the GoSun Stove is the solar evacuated tube that acts as the stove's cooking chamber. It absorbs more than 80% of the sunlight that's reflected onto the tube. When clouds interrupt, the food keeps on cooking with the heat stored inside the vacuum tube. For this same reason the GoSun is extremely versatile, cooking hot meals in the harshest of environments. Even against freezing temperatures and blowing winds, the GoSun's cooking time is hardly effected. It can safely cook egg omelettes, fish fillets, muffins, and even raw meat. (Note: the video shows both a GoSun solar grill & stove. -ED)
Aug. 30, 2016
Editor of TCW 21.03.2020 15:36
This pandemic is providing a good training ground for life after the upcoming 3 Days of Darkness. It all likely occurred because of God's current wrath for mankind - which includes His justice for doing decades of business with atheistic/communist China.
I just cooked a few pounds of cut vegetables yesterday with my GoSun solar stove. They turned out perfect. The oven can reach over 500 degrees. And the outer exterior of the stove does not get hot. Great technology!
EDITOR OF TCW 13.10.2016 01:53
Hi Mary, In response to your question, I have only tried it in the sun. It is supposed to work in general sunlight as I understand too. I cooked raw vegetables with it today, including a potato, and it worked great.
EDITOR OF TCW 11.10.2016 05:02
I used my GoSun solar stove yesterday during a power outage and it worked exceptionally well. We cooked bratwursts and then later cooked shrimp with vegetables and everything turned out perfect. This is a super invention/item.
Mary 13.10.2016 01:27
I'm thinking it only works when sunny out. No?
Mary 13.09.2016 18:42
Could you make a video of how to properly fillet a fish.
Sure, as time permits, we will make a video and post it. It's a skill my dad taught me when I was a young teenager. The one's on YouTube I recently reviewed don't utilize the same technique I learned - which is most effective.
EDITOR OF TCW 20.09.2016 18:42
Editor of TCW 01.09.2016 14:49
I just ordered the GoSun Sport solar oven and plan to teach my children how to (safely) use it, to be prepared for the future. They can catch fish by themselves & are learning the technique of filleting a fish, where the fillets are boneless.
JoCarole 31.08.2016 00:49
What type of metal is used in this oven?
Papal Restoration Staff Member 31.08.2016 06:54
The GoSun Sport Oven is made out of Food-Grade Stainless Steel, Anodized Aluminum and Borosilicate Glass.