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Priviliged Altar in the Basilica at Ste Anne d'Auray in Brittany, North West France, c. 1920 A.D.
(Source: Writings of French Historian E. H. Thompson 1878 A.D.):
"Brittany was at the time of which we are speaking [The French Revolution], and still is, notwithstanding the terrible ordeal through which it has passed and the corrosive action of modern progress,' a preeminently Catholic land. Ever since the day when his country was converted from Druidism, the Breton had adhered with unflinching constancy to the faith and retained it in all its freshness. Heresy had no power to pervert or seduce him, for no profane novelty had ever any attractions for his serious and deeply religious mind; and as he had always shown himself proof against the allurements of error, so in the day of fiery trial the terrors of persecution were equally powerless to compel him to deny his God. A well-known author, who has dedicated his pen to the description of his beloved Brittany, says that the contest there was between the guillotine and faith, and that in the desperate struggle the guillotine blunted its edge and was worsted. ...
Brittany, France: Sanctuary During & After The 3 Days of Darkness
This map shows the part of France called Brittany (red circle). Although Brittany will experience the 3 Days of Darkness Chastisement - as the whole world will - multiple prophecies say Brittany will be the safest place on earth during and after it. It is also prophesied that a shrine will be erected there after "the 3 Days", where survivors (true Catholics) will flock.
Not only had the Bretons been always remarkable for this strong attachment to the faith of their fathers, but nowhere had religion exercised a more salutary influence. The clergy were a zealous, unassuming, well-instructed body, entirely devoted to their round of sacred duties and possessing the respect and confidence of their flocks. Missions and retreats, in which all classes took part, were very frequent; Christian education flourished; crimes were rare, and the morals of the population remarkable for their purity. The geographical situation of this province isolated it in a certain degree from the rest of France, and its peculiar language added a further bar of separation. It was in consequence a region little known and seldom visited, and was thus preserved in a great measure from that influx of corruption so commonly introduced by strangers into countries which they habitually frequent."
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Ecclesiastical Approbation
In Today's Catholic World ( carries the approbation in writing of the Holy See in exile. It faithfully adheres to the rules for Catholic Journals mandated by Leo XIII in the Apostolic Constitution Officiorum ac Munerum, January 25, 1897 - so heavily re-stressed by Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis, September 8, 1907.
Jun. 6, 2015