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"The definition of apostasy, heresy and schism is given in Canon 1325, § 2. As to heresy, it may be noted that formal heresy only is punished in Canon 2314; wherefore, as Cerato remarks, persons who were born and educated in an heretical sect, and never knew the true Faith, cannot be said to have stubbornly denied or rejected the Catholic Faith, and thus do not incur the penalties of Canon 2314. Nevertheless in the external forum, THEY ARE NOT FREE FROM THE PENALTIES of Canon 2314, for, in accordance with Canon 2200, ‘when there is the external violation of a law of the Church, MALICE IS PRESUMED in the external forum UNTIL ITS ABSENCE HAS BEEN REMOVED.’ The Holy See has insisted that converts from heretical or schismatic sects shall not be received into the Church, until they have abjured heresy or schism and been ABSOLVED from the censure."
"A Practical Commentary on the Code of Canon Law", by Rev. Stanislaus Woywod, Vol., II, Imp., Aug 25, 1943, under paragraph 2156, p. 465. To petition a representative of the True Church on how to have any censures absolved, to become a juridic (lawful) member of the Catholic Church, go to this link:
Mar. 16, 2015