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"Within a short time, daughter, only a few priests will be left, who will obey the luminous voice [The Pope in Exile] which is in command of all men on earth, as the Chief of the Holy Church."
"The enemies of the Pontiff, hungering for blood and avenging, in their hatred and raging, have written above his head, while being Father to so many souls, this word:
'We shall notch our swords upon those men whom we want to saw apart and break off'."
It was only one cry resounding throughout Heaven:
"Lord, save the Pontiff from the mortal dominion of the avengers of his life!"
"Shortly", the Blessed Virgin went on, "my Son will strike with scourges this city [usurped Rome] where ungodliness spreads out from day to day. Fresh sacrileges will be performed, profanations stirring up indignation among the people. The enemies of the Church will decide about new crimes, which will have pious hearts bleeding out."
(Above) Revelation of Our Lady on October 27, 1884 - that only a few Catholic priests (i.e. those with *canonical mission from the True Pope in Exile) would be left to provide True Sacraments (like the Eucharist/Confession) during this, The Apostasy. Also it talks about the Masonic V-2 Sect's Antipope's Planned Destruction- raging in usurped Rome (October 28, 1958 - Present). Source: "Prophecies of La Fraudais of Marie-Julie Jahenny", pages 146-147.
*CHURCH AUTHORITY. Those who are received into the ecclesiastical hierarchy are not chosen by the people, or by secular authority, but are placed in the degrees of power of orders by sacred ordination. In the supreme pontificate the person lawfully elected, and freely accepting the election, receives the power of jurisdiction by divine right. All others receive jurisdiction by canonical mission (Canon 109, 1917 Code of Canon Law).
Nov. 22, 2014
Papal Restoration Staff Member 11.07.2015 10:52
"Catholics who remain faithful to (TRUE) Tradition, even if they are reduced to a handful, are the true church of Jesus Christ." -St. Athanasius, Church Father