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"The first thing required for salvation is to keep the norm of correct faith and to deviate in no way from what the Fathers have established, because it is not possible to lay aside the words of our Lord Jesus Christ who said, `You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church.' These words are proved true by their effects because, IN THE APOSTOLIC SEE, THE CATHOLIC RELIGION HAS ALWAYS BEEN PRESERVED IMMACULATE. Desiring in no way to be separated from this hope and faith and following in all things what has been established by the Fathers, we anathematize all heretics ... .
Therefore, as we have said before, following the Apostolic See in all things and preaching all things determined by it, I hope that I may merit to be in one communion with you (with Pope Hormisdas) and with what the Apostolic See preaches, in which See [resides] the integral and true solidity of the Christian religion."
Extracts from the Formola di Ormisda (Formula of Hormisdas): A Rule of Faith composed by Pope St. Hormisdas in 484 A.D., that the Acacian schismatics were obliged to sign, in order to be received back into communion with the Catholic Church. One line in the Formola di Ormisda states: "I agree with the pope's profession of the doctrine and I censure [excommunicate] all whom he censures." Our Pope in exile now, Gregory XVIII, censures the N.O. (& its SSPX) and Sedevacantist antipapal sects of perdition.
Oct. 16, 2014