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True Catholic News
(Feast of The Assumption of the B.V.M. - Aug. 15th, 2013)
Inquiry to TCW from Brent K. of Indiana, U.S.
"Dear Friends,
This might sound like a strange question but where is the True Pope? How can we support him, where is his location? If that makes sense. It appears that one cannot adhere to the sedevacantist view, however, it seems that Francis is rejected by many [...]. Any clarification or direction on this issue would be appreciated. Thanks again and God Bless." -Brent K., Indiana
"The selection of the true Pope, according to the prophets, will be: a) almost miraculous;
b) soon after the terrible war and revolutions; c) the selectors will assemble under many difficulties; d) some prophets foretell the intervention of Saints Peter and Paul and angels..."
-Fr. Gerald Culleton, "The Prophets and Our Times", 1941 A.D., Imprimatur
Our Reply:
Dear Mr. Brent K.,
Hello. In answer to your question (which we have been aware of for some time, yet, in obedience never published - until today), by the command of a representative of the Hierarchy in exile, who was forwarded your inquiry, we (the Papal Restoration Staff) were instructed to reply as follows:
"The existing Pope Gregory XVIII is the answer and the clarification by itself."
Note: His Holiness Pope Gregory XVIII [click] was elected in a secret conclave held in Rome on May 3rd, 1991. He is alive and currently in exile... as are certain of the Cardinals who partook in his election.
This is an appeal to the laity to support the Holy Father ... the True Church ... and to help defeat the soul-damning criminal usurpers of Pope Gregory XVIII's Throne in Rome.
*"Before all that arrives, great disorders will arrive, in the Church, and everywhere.
Then, after [that], our Holy Father the Pope (Gregory XVII) will be persecuted.
His successor will be a pontiff that nobody expects (Gregory XVIII)." -Maximin
*Part of the secret given by Our Lady of La Salette to Maximin Giraud, which was then (later) recorded by Maximin in his own handwriting in the presence of his bishop - officially sealed - and sent to Pope Pius IX, on July 3, 1851. (Click here to see the original copy of the secret)
"Qui mange le Pape, meurt!"
"For as surely as the Son of God reigns on high, and will reign 'until He has put all His enemies under
His feet,' so surely every one that lifts a heel or directs a weapon against His faith, His Church, or
His Vicar upon earth, will share the judgment which is laid up for the Antichrist whom he serves."
(Cardinal Manning, "The Present Crisis of the Holy See Tested By Prophecy: Four Lectures", p. 92)
Hail Gregory XVIII!
Blessed be St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles!
The Papal Restoration Staff
Aug. 16, 2013
Let us redouble our prayers for Our Holy Father Pope Gregory XVIII on this, the Feast of Sts Peter & Paul!
Theresa 25.02.2016 15:38
My prayers to the true pope in exile will always be said from now on and may Our Blessed Lord and Blessed Virgin Mary protect and strengthen him always!
S.E.M. 08.08.2015 20:10
I would like to associate myself with the cause of the True Church in the catacombs.
T.R. 05.11.2014 12:41
I have just discovered your website today and can scarcely believe that what you describe is happening. I know the story of Cardinal Siri, but only knew that at the time he died, he seemed to take all his secret with him. Thank God that he (cont.)
T.R. 05.11.2014 12:41
did know that he was a true Pope and the continuation of Peter. Thank God.
annette breathnachski 02.11.2014 19:31
from whom are the faithful to receive the sacraments?
wilfredo sabando 15.10.2014 04:06
thanks for the information