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TCW thinks Marie-Julie Jahenny, "The Breton Stigmatist", is one of the greatest prophets in the history of the Catholic Church. She had many Saints and Holy individuals appear to her - giving her heavenly instructions to reveal to the true *faithful during this: the usurpation of the papacy by the agents of Antichrist.
*Those who reject the Novus Ordo Sect & their sspx - and the sedevacantist Lie.
We are sharing a most relevant prophecy received by Marie-Julie Jahenny on August 19, 1878 from holy St. Benedict, founder of Monte Cassino Abbey and the Father of Western Monasticism, on the 3 Days of Darkness. It is found in the book, "Prophecies of La Fraudais of Marie-Julie Jahenny", pp. 231-232.
"Threats And Signs" A Prophecy from Saint Benedict
to Marie-Julie Jahenny (August 19, 1878 A.D.)
"When the earth will seem to be bursting out in wonders, says Saint Benedict, when on every side marvels will be published; when voices will be heard resounding in the midst of the world, then God will show forth His glory upon earth. Ponder in presence of those facts, and believe in front of the enemy's inventions, that the hour fixed by God is not far distant from you.
"Here is one of the signs God gave and is renewing
again: all those signs will manifest the approach to a rejoicing and to a deep sadness. The evangelists have also pointed out those facts as the signal for the general judgment. Well then! one more judgment will take place before the last one, a judgment
of justice and anger altogether with a judgment of glorious resurrection in peace and hope for the
friends of God. (Triumph of the unaided Papacy now in exile. Where Peter is there is the Church. -TCW).
"Why are they not willing to perceive, at present time, God's Justice visiting with you at every moment?"
--I do not know, good Saint. (Marie-Julie Jahenny)
"The reason is that, impelled by pride, they want to give
satisfaction to their own wickedness and freedom, and nobody wants to give up any of his rights. That is what urges God to send the punishment shortly."
(August 26, 1878)
Jul. 21, 2013