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"Long before this, I’m sure, the reader will have gotten the idea that I think we must all abide by the Law, not joining in with the followers of (Antipope) Paul 6 in rejecting it or changing it to suit one’s own purpose. After much observing of developments since Vatican II, I am convinced that the Law is for our protection, especially against various charlatans who falsely come in the name of Orthodoxy and Tradition, always with a hand extended for large sums of money."
Mr. W. F. Strojie, April 27, 1977 Newsletter No. 21 ... (Note on the Law, from *TCW): The "Trads" always seem to forget (?) the later part of this canon: “The laity has the right to receive from the Clergy the spiritual goods and especially the necessary means of salvation, ACCORDING TO THE RULES OF ECCLESIASTICAL DISCIPLINE (Canon 682).” In ferocious persecutions throughout Church History - the true Faithful in grave emergency (i.e. with no priests with jurisdiction [from Rome] available) would baptize, get (1.) married, and do perfect Acts of Contrition - and of course they always prayed for the pope! (See: Denzinger #1825) ... *TCW News Journal carries the approbation of the Holy See (currently in exile). (1.) Anyone may baptize in an emergency. And Canon Law provides for marriage in cases of a certain time without a priest. Contact Fr. Khoat about this, via the email link on this site -ED
May. 12, 2013
Garry 16.01.2017 18:35
Hi there and may God bless you for your work in assisting us.
Love the photo's also.