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Important Notes: 1. Bishop ("Arch." came from an antipope) Thuc did, did, did very scandalous acts, including: accepting a large amount of money directly from the Jew Montini in a quid pro quo deal, where Thuc then agreed to "keep silent" about the Ephod wearing "pope's" new religion; publishing himself (Thuc), that he purposely had "withheld all intention of conveying orders" at a consecration ceremony, and much more. Thuc's alleged "consecrations" are viewed by the Hierarchy (in exile) as "doubtful at best". 2. Mr. Lefebvre was never validly ordained.
February 27, 1994: "For every scandalous act that Archbishop Ngo-Dinh Thuc is accused of, I can match an equally serious scandal on the part of Archbishop Lefebvre including that of celebrating the Novus Ordo rite and performing inappropriate ordinations. In fact, some of the theological opinions officially embraced by him and by his Society go well beyond the realm of scandal." -Dr. Rama Coomeraswamy, Prof. of Ecclesiastical History at the the SSPX’s "seminary" in Ridgefield, CT., for five years and close associate to Mr. Marcel Lefebvre for decades.
Apr. 30, 2013
Francis Joseph Kieras 02.12.2021 23:21
Is Lefebvvre a Catholic?
The TCW Staff 02.12.2021 23:49
The True hierarchy, in exile, has ruled that Lefebvre was not ordained a priest, & of course was never a bishop. The scoundrel publicly manifested heresy too. There is a body of credible evidence that he, like Achille Liénart, was a Freemason.