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(Prophecy of Ven. Holzhauser (17th c.): "When all is desolated with war ... when Catholics are oppressed by heretics, and their faithless fellow-religionists; when monarchs are murdered; subjects oppressed; when riches are extirpated; when every thing concurs to bring about the establishment of Republics; then will the hand of the Almighty produce a marvellous change, according to human notions seemingly impossible. For that strong monarch, (whose name is to be "the help of God"), will, as the envoy of the Almighty, root up these Republics. He will subject all things to himself, and will zealously assist the true Church of Christ. All heresies will be banished into hell; the Turkish empire will be overthrown to its foundations, and his dominion will extend from east to west. All nations will come, and will worship the Lord in the one true Catholic Faith."
(Source: "Bartholomew Holzhauser's Life, Visions, and Commentary on St. John's Revelations",
The Dublin Review, Vol XXIX, p. 139, 1850)
Apr. 27, 2013